A World Without Islam

When we read this title, it’s would appear many implied assertion on our mind. Imagine, if you will, a world without islam. What’s would happen? The author, Graham Fuller , actually want to pin down how the beautiful Islam in the world. Without Islam, the face of the world would be damaged and chaotic. The conflict would occur anywhere and any problem will be appear.
How very many problem between the West and the Middle East. Did you remember about attacking in WTC building on 11 September a long time ago? Never forget, never forget it, said Barrack Obama. Yes, America had been claims Islam as mastermind above incident that. Islam is terrorist. Osama bin Laden, the leader of Al-Qaedah accused as a main actor from this all. So, the military of America got invasion in Afghanistan and Irak to look for him. The world is war again. Many peoples innoncently was dead. America having a hunch that Islam is terrorist religion, Once again, names of Islam defacing from what they did. Whereas, the incident 11 September wasn’t Islam did, but it acts a little people which violent extremist. The violent extremist are on edge of the Muslim community.
Islam could became a peace maker of the world. Islam isn’t terrorist religion. Islam always engraft with good. Every people wants to peace world. But would harmony get reach ? Did you know “ Sami Rosouli” ? He is the Founder and Director of The Muslim Peacemaker Teams in Iraq. His visited to Iraq was very different from the “visit” of the most Americans. He came to Iraq motivated by the principles of Muslim Peace Maker Teams, an unarmed guest seeking to build respectful relathionship between people. (MPT) Muslim Peace Maker Teams and IARP (Iraqi and American Reconciliation Project) work together to rebuild peaceful relathionships between Americans and Iraqis and support nonviolence in both countries.
Recently, MPT began hosting Americans to live and work in Iraq as an alternative model of peaceful coexistence. This project is small compared to the scope of the American war on Iraq, but it is disent against the hegemonic discourse of war. It is an affirmation that we are still brothers and sisters  and that war does not have the final say.
In conclusion, we can’t imagine if a world without Islam what is the matter.  It will brutalist, lose-control, radicalist, etc. It is too many impact if Islam is not exist in the world. Islam is religion which peace loved, it always teach the good precept. Islam was became a peace maker of the world. If a world without Islam, it seems like vegetables without salt.

Referensi : A World Without Islam  by "Graham Fuller"


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