MODIFIERS like "only" 

Adverbs like "only" come as close as possible to the adjectives, verbs, or other adverbs they modify. (kata keterangan "only" terletak dekat dengan kata sifat, kata kerja atau kata keterangan lainnya yang mereka modifikasi).

- She has only three dollars. (dia hanya mempunyai 3 dollar)
- He only saw her, he didn't speak to her. (Dia hanya melihatnya, dia tidak berbicara kepadanya)

NOte :
Other adverbs like only are : just, nearly, hardly, almost, and scarcely. (keterangan lainnya yg sperti "only" adalah : just, nearly, hardly, almost, and scarcely)

Other examples are:
- We have only 4 hours to finish this paper.
- She wants to take just 1 class.
- That house costs nearly 6.000 dollars.
- She was so quiet that he hardly noticed her.

Exercise for you guyz: :)

Put "C" if the sentence is correct. Put "X" if the sentence is incorrect and make it correct!
1. If you go to window five, you will have to wait only five minutes.
2. You can use these machines only between 9 am and 5 pm.
3. He hardly knows any English.
4. That shirt almost cost twenty dollars.
5. Just ten people will be able to go today.
6. You hardly have enough time to do the first exercise.
7. She scarcely slept five hours last night.
8. We had to wait nearly ten minutes for the movie to begin.
9. We want to borrow only ten dollars.
10. The soldiers only killed one person during the battle.


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